Friday, November 19, 2010

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates Gameplay: Winn and Acadia (hands)

First off, I apologize to Winn and Acadia for not posting their video last week, I spent the weekend getting some needed time off, with arrvittles (last post's feature) and spent lots of time playing Fallout New Vegas (which I highly recommend) and talking artsy shmartsy, video games, and dogs. Sometimes, personal life goes first...
but I'm back! please don't be sad!

while this next video is our shortest yet, It's one of my favorites. we actually have TWO players at once. it'll be interesting to look for reaction mapping (part of the whole 'experiment' part that I'm working on--don't know how it will work yet--or how I'll incorporate it into the overall artistic scheme of things--but that's why they call it an experiment!)
I really hope we can get one or both of these players back for another set of 'data'

[for the record, I, wavefunction22, never played Final Fantasy, and I'm not that huge of a fan of the series anyway. Thanks to the players-err data--err people who wrote this up, because I don't understand any of the FF stuff)

Game: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates

Mode: Multiplayer

Rebena Te Ra-Quests-Lotsa Bosses (Valley of Heroes boss only)
Username: Winn

Consul: Nintendo DS Lite (red)

Age: 13-18

-Have played games off and on since 8
-Started on a Gameboy Advance, moved to DS in 2004, then to DSi 2009
-enjoys good RPs and puzzle games
-favorite game: Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (2010) and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates (2008)
-prefers handheld games
-Wants a Playstation 2 or 3

Game Stats:

-99 level female Selkie
-main game completed
-all multiplayer location levels completed
-logged too many hours
-died three times during video
Username: Acadia

Consul: Nintendo DS lite (white)

Age: 13-17

-plays mostly in the summer or when time in school year
-family owns Wii, Playstations, and Gamecube
-enjoys more laid-back games, puzzle and some action
-favorite games: Animal Crossing (2005) and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates (2008)
-still enjoys the older games
Game Stats:
-level 99 Cravate
-main game completed
-all multiplayer location levels completed
-Won't admit to amount of time played
and now, for the business.
this is just some general plugging, talking about where things are with this, and places I want to see this go (but can't force it into)

like I said, I got New Vegas, which I must admit, was not what I expected. The previous installment caught my interest, but as I had picked it up a year after launch, I was a little behind in trends (not my fault, that's when I was actually able to get it)
The game had really good writing, a vast and while I wouldn't say GORGEOUS world, it was pretty well done, just no slack-jawdism from me in the graphics department... The real thing that didn't keep me playing past about 30 hrs (which is still not too shabby) was that I couldn't talk to anyone about it--they were all done, and a couple of people even seemed that upon mention- they might have a psychotic fit.
  thankfully, I didn't have that issue here. What put me off before I got it, though, was the graphics, which were showing their age to say the least...
fallout 4 had better be on a new engine, or else it will need to be very stylized to be pulled off.
the other news I'm excited about, is my all time favorite game (it's up there, at least) got some new DLC, called escalation!
that and MOVE and KINECT are BOTH out--personally, kinect doesn't seem like it's going to be as awesome as it could be. Once the control scheme shows that it can work with todays games (like fallout, MAG, or COD Black Ops) and not force you to play on rails, then I'll jump for it, along with a 360. 
Move, on the other hand, while not as creative, is a much better play on Sony's part. It's more familiar, and if you must, a Wii copy--that improves on the Wii ten fold (not to say that Nintendo is bad, but that they've just been 1up'd)
It would certainly be cool to get some DATA of them.
lastly--I have backup posts videos and the like.\, but I need another set of data, and fast like, because I'm fresh out of it!
with all these new things out there, and creative people that I really hope exist, and know this exists, it can't be hard, heck, if I know you in person, I'll even record it!
but please, for the sake of art, and science, and gamers across this land, lend a hand!

        talked about this week:

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