Friday, November 5, 2010

Medal of Honor Gameplay: arrrvitles (hands)

we have our first two submissions! these are shorter than previous, but the good news is, we might see them again!

username: arrrvittles

age: 35

-been gaming since Atari days, through Nintendo, Sega Genesis, even TurboGraffix16, as well as every iteration of PS
-been enjoying the PS3 for many years now and have gotten more into gaming with this platform than any other
-play almost every genre: FPS, fantasy/action, puzzle, sports, etc.

Game: Medal of Honor on the PS3, first attempt, beginning of game. (single player)

---and on a personal note, arrrvittles is a good friend of mine (as are the other posts, but that's not the point) and a great artist. currently, he's working on some lego based art that I just have to show:
next week, we get to see Winn and Acadia on their DSs

on another note, if your camera gives you issues, can't record very long, or doesn't exist, consider getting the gaming hands official flip cam.
I don't get money for this (just a design I made... what I'm saying is that it's not ME who made this $200) , but it's kind of cool so, why not?
if your camera gives you issues, can't record very long, or doesn't exist, consider getting the gaming hands official flip cam.
I don't get money for this (just a design I made... what I'm saying is that it's not ME who made this $200) , but it's kind of cool so, why not?

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